Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sharon Case to Present at Hero Awards Tonight

James Romanovich, the man behind the Daytime Emmy telecast this year, is also involved in another awards show tonight which he describes for We Love Soaps below:

Most in the soap world know me by now as one of the executive producers of The Daytime Emmys. Tonight, however, we have another awards show not quite as big, but equally important called HEROES AMONG US: THE 2009 HERO AWARDS hosted by Dean Cain on MyNetwork at 8pm Eastern/Pacific. It pays tribute to the everyday heroes who happened to make a difference with no thought of reward or even risk. It was shot at Spartacus Square at Universal Studios and is quite impressive when you think about the history of that set and the importance of this show.

I hope everyone will watch as you’ll get two surprises. One is that Sharon Case is a presenter and, two, yours truly is the announcer which is what I do in my other life.

To find out more, visit www.heroawards.org

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