Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We Love Soaps NCAA Tourney Challenge - Results

Here are the final standings in the We Love Soaps NCAA Tournament Challenge. North Carolina defeated Michigan State last night to win the championship. Congratulations to dolphingrl1723 for winning the group.

1. dolphingrl723 1340 points (picked UNC to win it all)
2. babslet 1300 (picked Michigan St)
3. jhc2010 1270 (picked UNC)
4. RogerNewcomb 900
5. Airmont Parrots 850
7. sica2305 820
8. MFLA2009 730 (Fairman)
8. lakent 720
9. FCrnkypnts 710
10. DykesNOBest 700
11. Nuke-U-Lar Fallout 670

1 comment:

  1. Yay! My screen name at ESPN is dolphingrl723 (because of my love of the Miami Dolphns)! I did a lot better this year than last year and it was the first time I picked the right final winner!
